Belissima Marine

Yacht and jet-ski maintenance

Seasonal maintenance


Professional seasonal maintenance guarantees the long life of your yacht. It is important to provide quality care to your vessel before and after each sailing season.

Belissima Marine seasonal maintenance includes:

  • Diagnosis of all systems with professional equipment, maintenance advisement for the necessary and eventual future repairs.

  • Maintenance of the underwater part (hull) – scraping, patching and repainting with specialized paints, suitable for regions with specific salinity of the sea water;

  • Maintenance of the additional equipment on the yacht – air conditioning system, water-maker (sea water filtration system), bathrooms and toilets, electrical installations);

  • Winterizing – on land and in water. Winterization is mandatory for the period during which the vessel will not sail in order to preserve the systems.

Engine maintenance


The engine is the heart of your yacht. It is important to take special care of it so it can perform in its full capacity. Specialized on-board engine maintenance is also mandatory to extend its life.

Belissima Marine engine support includes:

Each vessel serviced by Belissima Marine has a special file, containing all repairs and improvements carried out. That has several benefits. For one it makes all subsequent repairs predictable. In addition, the detailed maintenance history of the vessel is a bonus in the event of its sale in the future.



We offer special subscription plans for its customers. These include a range of services crucial to the maintenance of a marine vessel.

The subscription works on the basis of a monthly fee. The amounts collected are spent depending on the need. This alleviates the financial burden of both seasonal maintenance and emergency repairs.

Belissima Marine subscription service includes:

  • Full system diagnostics – motor mechanisms and additional equipment;

  • Recommendations for routine maintenance and damage prevention;

  • Keeping a file with the history of the vessel;

  • High priority in case of urgent repairs needed;

  • Remote consultation if necessary.



Някои от яхтите, които поддържаме


Belissima Marine

Нашите доволни клиенти

Our experience!

Our motto is “Every job has its master”. This is the reason we do what we do and know best – complete maintenance of yachts. We provide everything necessary for the proper functioning of all those systems that guarantee a pleasant experience and comfort of our customers.

We are not afraid to get our hands dirty, nor are we afraid of fatigue. As Confucius said, “If you find a job you like, you will never have to work a day in your life.”

But in the end, instead of talking about ourselves, we prefer to let our experience and the trust of our customers speak for us. We are happiest when they are happy and calm that there is someone to take care of their jewel – their dream boat!


Καταπληκτική εταιρεία επισκευής και συντήρησης σκαφών. Εξαιρετική δουλειά γρήγορα και αξιόπιστα. Ο RADO (μηχανικός), μεθοδικός γνώστης, και αποτελεσματικός. Πρόβλημα του σκάφους μου που επί δύο χρόνια κάνεις δε μπόρεσε να δώσει λύση, το επισκεύασε σε μια μόνο μέρα!!!!! Η Petina (μάνατζερ), οργανωτική, μεθοδική, κρατάει την εταιρεία ψηλά… Για μένα είναι πλέον η μόνη εταιρεία που θα ασχολείται με το σκάφος μου…. Τους προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα…

Amazing company for repair and maintenance of boats. Great job fast and reliable. Rado (chief mechanic) is a methodical and effective expert. He fixed a problem my boat had for two years, in just one day! Petina (manager) is organized and methodical. She manages the company at a high level. For me, this is the only company that will deal with my boat from now on. I highly recommend them!

Νικοσ Μιαουλησ
Nikos Miaulis – Fairline yacht

Притежавам яхта Бавария 35 HT Спорт с два двигателя Волво Пента намираща се в Гърция. Многократно ми се е налагало да ползвам услугите на механика за технически ремонти и годишно сервизно обслужване. Изключително съм доволен от бързата реакция и компетентноста на главния механик Радослав Кирилов. Извършвал е ремонти и по тех. съоръжения на лодката. Препоръчвам на всички собственици на яхти в Гърция да ползват фирмата при тях винаги съм получавал обратна връзка, отношение и много добри цени на материалите и услугите.

Димитър Панев – “Тидиимпекс” ЕООД

"Адвентчър Рент Яхт" ЕООД, разполага с различни морски съдове, които изискват сигурност при извършените ремонти и профилактика на двигатели, основни и спомагателни системи, тъй като в морето не се допускат компромисни решения при експлоатация на яхтите ни. Екипът от професионалисти на "Белиссима Марине"- яхт сървиз ни спечели с коректност, навременно изпълнение, персонално отношение и грижа към нашите плавателни съдове. Поради утвърдения ни опит в работа с тях, препоръчваме "Белиссима Марине" на всички, които държат на високото качество и коректно отношение при подръжката на лодки и яхти.

Тодор Митков – “Адвентчър Рент Яхт”

Belissima Marine е една от малкото фирми, които наистина държат на своите клиенти. За времето, в което съм работил с тях, не е имало нито един случай, в който да не поемат ангажимент и да не го изпълнят навреме, при все, че яхтата ми е на Халкидики. За тях няма делник, няма празник. Когато има работа да се върши (да не дава Господ авария), ще пътуват през нощта, за да могат да пристигнат по най-бързия начин, за да можем ние с лодките да се наслаждаваме на слънцето и морето. Нямам думи да опиша колко съм доволен. Горещо препоръчвам на всеки, който иска спокойствие и безаварийно плаване. Благодаря ви за всичко.

Камен Спасов – Six Sense/Atlantis 39

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